“I Have Never Seen Love Like This Before.”

The boy’s entire lower leg was swollen and hurting. He crawled through the crowd, unable to walk, to see the two men who were visiting his village. Amidst the crowd of children, one of the visitors, a Nigerien church planter, spotted the 15-year-old boy on the ground. It was immediately apparent that he had a severe lower leg infection that could turn life-threatening. The visitors soon learned that the boy had been suffering with this problem for months. They immediately transported him and his mother to the Danja Health Center, a hospital started by local churches to care for both physical and spiritual needs through the love and hope of Jesus. The boy immediately received more love, care, and attention than he had in previous months.
“Many people have seen his leg and offered no help. But when the Christians came, they showed compassion and love. I have never seen love like this before,” his mother commented. She desired to know more about following Jesus herself.
The next day, several women from their village came to visit them in the hospital. They too were amazed by the love of Christ on display and also wanted to learn more about following Jesus. Local and cross-cultural church planters returned to the boy’s village a few days later. Previously, only the men would come to meet with them, but this time was very different. As soon as they arrived in the village they were swarmed by women—all of whom had heard the testimony of the boy receiving care in Danja, and all of whom wanted to hear more about the love of Jesus.
This was the start of a group of women meeting in this village to learn to follow Jesus. Since then, local church planters have been able to meet with this group and help them grow in their new faith. God truly does use all things, good and bad, to advance His kingdom.