Three circles gospel training

Multiplying disciples, churches, leaders, and movements
until there is #noplaceleft.

Wish you could effectively and simply share the Gospel?

2: Gospel – Seeded Field
Your Story – 15 Second Testimony
God’s Story – 3 Circles
4 Responses to the Gospel
Discovery Bible Study: 7 Stories of Hope

The Three Circles Gospel Training
(Multiple Languages*)


The 3 Circles

3 Circles Arabic ٣ دوائر

Das Evangelium erklärt anhand der 3 Kreise

3 Que? 3 Circulos!

بشارت عیسی به روش سه دایره با برادر آرام Jesus’ Story : 3 Circles tool

Kolme ympyrää – ilosanoma Jeesuksesta yksinkertaisesti (evankeliumi)

PRACTICE The Three Circles Gospel
Now it is your turn. Use the "3 Circles Gospel" *slides below to practice sharing!

Move on to "The 4 Responses to the Gospel"

2: Gospel – Seeded Field
Your Story – 15 Second Testimony
God’s Story – 3 Circles
4 Responses to the Gospel
Discovery Bible Study: 7 Stories of Hope

Go back to the 4 Fields Page:

Okay, I know AND HAVE PRACTICED the 3-circles, now what?

Learn all about #NoPLACELEFT
get trained with disciple making tools
connect with other labors pursuing #NPL
Multiplying disciples, churches, leaders, and movements
until there is #noplaceleft.