Gospel: A Bold Yellow-Light Challenge

Ken is a believer and part of an unreached Kurdish people group. He has been sharing the gospel with others among his people group. The result is the beginning of a movement of disciple-making and church planting. Yet those who are cautiously curious, referred to as Yellow Lights, are on his heart and mind. So Ken takes a bold approach.
Recently he shared the gospel with a man in the Middle East who responded as a yellow-light. Ken leaves the man with an interesting challenge: “pray for two weeks that God would come into your life and be king/authority over your house-hold.“
This man took up Ken’s two-week challenge and began praying that Jesus would be the authority in his life. It so happens that this man was separated from his wife. They had not spoken for ten years, yet he wanted their relationship to be restored. Within the first week of praying, the man’s wife called and said that she wants to talk and reconcile!
This man called Ken back and shared this news. He stated that he knows Jesus answered his prayer because it had been ten years since they last spoke.
Ken called a trusted mentor who’s been pouring into him. He had to share how exciting and encouraging it is to see God respond so directly in answer to prayer. And to celebrate a new believer!
“Just pray for two weeks that God would come into your life and be the authority.” That’s bold!
Perhaps you struggle to speak out boldly. Sometimes the struggle is from knowing what to say. We have made some simple, reproducible methods available here. If you are looking for others to work with in your own region, reach out to connect.
Wonderful and challenging Testimony