

His Plans Not Ours

A Quick Turn Of Events “I guess the Lord has other plans.” Though they were disappointed by the many closed doors for entering Uganda and nearby countries due to Covid, John and Janelle trusted that the Lord had other plans…

Learning to Obey

“Why did we stop?” “Looks like there’s a protest in the middle of the road. We’re not going anywhere for a while.” A group of young adults in Panama had the opportunity to teach several four-fields training with a people…

Barrels at the Border

“It is the fastest local ownership of second-generation leaders I have ever seen. Definitely a work of God,” Oggie attested. Will and Oggie journeyed to the Mexico-Texas border for a short five-day trip. They carryied backpacks, a firm trust in…

From Knees to Need

Why do I suddenly feel knee pain? Steven wondered.  Steven and James had just left a baptism for a Muslim background believer when they saw a security guard making his rounds around the premises of a nearby park in Dallas,…